Women’s Initiatives Office

The Women’s Initiatives Office supports the needs and experiences of women students within the Dunwoody campus community.

The Office helps women students form connections with other students, resources, and support networks.

Workshop Ideas

Have any idea for a workshop session the Women’s Initiative Office could offer that would be of interest to students?

Email Darya Tenenbaum, Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, at dtenenbaum@dunwoody.edu.

Women Student Support Services

Women’s Resource Center

The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is a space for Dunwoody women. Located on the Black Level in Room 36, the WRC can be used to study in private, socialize, celebrate achievements, find resources and information, browse through literature and magazines, or simply relax in a comfortable environment.

The WRC is the primary meeting location for Dunwoody’s Kate’s Club.

For more information, contact:

Darya Tenenbaum, Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, at dtenenbaum@dunwoody.edu or 612.381.3379.

Kates’ Club

Kate’s Club is the women student organization on campus. Members of Kate’s Club build leadership skills, host gatherings to connect with other women students, plan volunteer events in the community, and hold fundraising events to support their work.

The club is named after Dunwoody College co-founder Kate L. Dunwoody, who was a passionate advocate and philanthropist for the education and welfare of women. Club members strive to continue Kate’s legacy.

Learn more.


Darya Tenenbaum, Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, at dtenenbaum@dunwoody.edu or 612.381.3379.

Mother’s Lounge

Dunwoody College provides a Mother’s Lounge and Lactation Room for students, employees, and community members with college business. The room is located on the Silver Level and is open on a walk-in basis during campus business hours.

The Mother’s Lounge requires coded entry. For details, contact:

Darya Tenenbaum, Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, at dtenenbaum@dunwoody.edu or 612.381.3379.

YWCA Bluetooth Speaker   08072018

Dunwoody faculty teaches youth to build 3D printed bluetooth speakers

Girls Inc. Eureka! youth had the opportunity to participate in a two-day 3D printing workshop at Dunwoody to further their learning in STEM and nontraditional careers.

>> Click to read the full story

Dunwoody partners with Girl Scouts River Valleys for 2018 Power Girls Camp

Nearly 80 girls grades 6-12 attended the first-ever Power Girls camp organized through Girl Scouts River Valleys and Dunwoody. In addition to canoeing and archery, girls also built two 8-by-8-foot tiny houses.

NECA Service Learning 07222018

Dunwoody students give back to Harriet Tubman Center

Students from Dunwoody’s National Electrical Contractors Association Chapter and other students volunteered their afternoon to paint playroom walls at the Harriet Tubman Center East in Maplewood.

>> Click to read the full story


The Women’s Initiatives Office is located in the Pinska Center.

Contact Dunwoody’s Women’s Initiatives Office

Photo of Darya Tenenbaum

Darya Tenenbaum

Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives

Phone: 612.381.3379
