Faculty Experts

Dunwoody College of Technology has faculty experts with both industry and teaching experience. For access to Dunwoody experts, contact:

Jen McNeil
Office: 612.381.3058
Mobile: 651.503.4203


William Morris
Office: 612.381.3367
Mobile: 612.462.3012

Areas of expertise include:

Equity in STEM, Technical Education, and Careers at Dunwoody (Bayza Weeks, Executive Director of Community Partnerships)

Robotics & Manufacturing: Automations, Electronic Robotics, and Advanced Manufacturing in Higher Ed (E.J. Daigle)

3D Printing: 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing (Jazmine Darden)

Electrical Construction & Maintenance: Commercial /Industrial Work, Women in Industry (Polly Friendshuh)

Construction: Construction Management, Sustainability, Women In Industry (Heather Stafford Gay)

VP of Enrollment Management- Cindy Olson – General Enrollment, Branding, Basic Boilerplate Reporting