Investing in Yourself

Tuition & Aid

A college education is a big investment. It’s also one of the best investments you can make. A U.S. Census study shows that lifetime earnings for people who go to college is $450,000 to $1.5 million more than high school graduates.

Dunwoody has a long track record of successful college graduates: 95 percent of our 2022 graduating class found a job in the field that they majored in.

Cost of Attendance for the 2023-24 Academic Year

Note: average costs are per year and vary by program. See below for specific costs.
Tuition Average $24,029
Average Books & Supplies $694
Average Fees $1,849
Food $1,660.50
Housing (on/off campus—and with or without dependents) $5,669.04
Housing (with parent) NA
Transportation $800
Miscellaneous $1,000
Federal Student Loan Fees 1.057% of Annual Federal Loan Limit
Direct Plus Loan Fees 4.228% of Annual Loan Amount
Dependent Care email the Financial Aid Office to provide the exact amount of your annual dependent care
Disability-related expenses email the Financial Aid Office to provide the exact amount
Professional licensure, certification, or a first professional credential Exact Cost

Paying for College

Learn more about how to finance your Dunwoody education, including types of financial aid and how to apply for financial aid.

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