Leading the Way: Transforming Dunwoody

Dunwoody College of Technology has set a course to emerge as a first-choice, nationally-recognized leader in technical education, providing a full college experience rooted in applied learning and innovative technical education.

Leading the Way, The Centennial Campaign for Dunwoody College of Technology, has surpassed its $50 million goal. More than 3,000 donors stepped up to donate $52.5 million — the largest comprehensive fundraising campaign in the College’s history.

Support for the individual initiatives mentioned below is still welcome as Dunwoody works to meet the current and future needs for a highly-skilled workforce.



” We are fortunate to have such a generous philanthropic community in Minnesota. Together, we are building stronger communities and a stronger Minnesota.  “

Rich Wagner


The Leading the Way campaign by the numbers


Donations from alumni $13 million
Number of $1 million + donors 9
Total gifts 12,404
Number of donors 3,015

Funds Raised

Scholarship funding raised $6.5 million
Funding raised for endowment $6 million
Capital funding raised $11.5 million
Program funding raised $28.5 million


Square feet renovated 24,000
New academic programs 6
Enrollment growth 26%

Capital Investment

$20 million for facility upgrades and state-of-the-industry learning spaces.

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Program Investment

$5 million to help start new programs and increase Dunwoody’s student population.

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Scholarships & Endowments

$10 million to grow the endowment and secure long term financing for scholarship and programs.

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Annual Giving

$15 million in annual giving to support scholarships and other projects.

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Capital Investment: Phase I Completed!


Dunwoody celebrates new space with Community Open House

Dunwoody celebrated the new Welcome Center and Learning Commons, five years of enrollment growth, and the public announcement of the Leading the Way campaign at a Community Open House on Sept. 28, 2018.

Read more at Dunwoody College News >