P2C Industry Mentorship Program

The P2C scholarship program seeks professionals to serve as mentors for students!

We strive to work with community organizations and industry partners to identify and build relationships using mentors, hands-on activities, and academic support.

The program utilizes a one-on-one mentoring format, where mentors and students are matched by similar career field. Mentors and students build relationships during one school year, beginning in the Fall Semester and ending in May. Communication may occur virtually or in person, depending on the preferences of the student and their mentor. Orientation, training and professional development is provided for all mentors.

Professionals in the following STEM or skilled trade fields are preferred:

  • Automotive Technology
  • Construction, Electrical, and HVAC
  • Architecture, Interior Design, and Graphic Design
  • Robotics and Manufacturing
  • Welding
  • Engineering and Engineering Technology
  • Computer Technology


  • Can commit up to a full academic year of mentorship
  • Are men or women working in technical STEM fields
  • Are interested in offering career guidance and building a positive, supportive relationship with a current Dunwoody student


  • Complete a mentor training and orientation
  • Attend an end of year celebration in May
  • Attend the Industry Mentor Program launch
  • Meet with student at least once per month
  • Commit up to a full academic year of mentorship
  • Touch base with student via email, phone, or text on a regular basis
  • Act as a resource and guide
  • Be willing to communicate regularly with the program manager and attend additional program events as able


  • 1-3 hours each month


The Pathways to Careers (P2C) Program is a new scholarship program with two distinct chapters focused on preparing under-resourced for college success, immediate jobs, and great careers!

Chapter one serves current juniors and seniors in high school. Upon acceptance into the program, juniors and seniors participate in a 3-week summer experience at the Dunwoody College campus to gain exposure to the many degree options Dunwoody offers through an immersive and engaging way to prepare them for technical education.

Chapter two participants are post-traditional adults pursuing their technical education at Dunwoody.

P2C participants receive a scholarship of up to $10,000 with wrap-around support to ensure their success and college persistence at Dunwoody.


Please email p2c@dunwoody.edu or fill out the form below.

P2C Mentor Info

P2C Mentor Info

Preferred Method of Communication
(Our goal is to build a diverse group of mentors. If you are not comfortable providing this information, please write in “Prefer not to answer”)
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