Academic Excellence Award

Academic Excellence Winner — Jacob David Bisek, Computer Networking Systems

Jacob David Bisek entered the military not long after graduating from Chaska High School. Military service was something he’d long had an interest in, and because he wanted to challenge himself he chose to enlist with the Marines. After completing four years of active duty as a machine gunner, including deployments to Afghanistan and Jordan, […]

Academic Excellence Award

Academic Excellence Winner — Elizabeth Rivas, Mechanical Engineering

Elizabeth Rivas beams as her name is called. As she crosses the stage, set up on the second base line at CHS Field in St. Paul in May, light reflects off the round, silver medallion she wears around her neck. She picks up her diploma cover, then rounds the rest of the bases to home […]

Academic Excellence Award

Academic Excellence Winner – Seth Williams, Graphic Design & Production

Pursuing a degree in graphic design was not always Seth Williams’ plan. In fact, Williams was not entirely sure what his plans after high school might be. But as the 2021 Academic Excellence Award recipient for Design & Graphics Technology, it is evident that Williams was well suited for the path he decided to take. […]

Academic Excellence Award

Academic Excellence Winner — Daniel Ortez, Toyota’s Technician Training & Education Network

Because it is a manufacturer-specific program, Dunwoody’s TTEN (Toyota’s Technician Training & Education Network) degree tends to attract passionate, focused students. Daniel Ortez is no exception–so much so that he was selected to be the Academic Excellence Award recipient for the Automotive Department. Ortez’s path to Dunwoody was straightforward. He’s always had a knack for […]

Academic Excellence Award Student News

Academic Excellence Winner – Allen Canzonieri, Industrial Engineering Technology

When Pittsburg native Allen Canzonieri enrolled at Dunwoody, he already had more life and career experience than most professionals do after a decade in the field. A Veteran, he joined the Army at 17 and served in the cavalry for eight years, completing two tours in Iraq before being medically separated and moving back home. […]

Academic Excellence Award

Dunwoody Diversity & Inclusion Award Winner – Elizabeth Rivas, Mechanical Engineering

Elizabeth Rivas: Dunwoody Diversity & Inclusion Award In the three years since starting in the Mechanical Engineering program at Dunwoody, Elizabeth Rivas has learned the power of “yes.”  From speaking up to joining in, Rivas is taking advantage of the opportunities surrounding her. Her involvement in everything from the Youth Career Awareness Program (YCAP), to […]

Academic Excellence Award Student News

Academic Excellence Winner- Shelby Inskeep, Radiologic Technology

When Shelby Inskeep was exploring different career paths, she knew she wanted to do something that offered both variety and a way to help others – she found both in Radiologic Technology.  “Each day is always different and being able to help diagnose something that cannot always be visible with the naked eye makes its […]

Academic Excellence Award Student News

Academic Excellence Winner – Erich Beckmann, Robotics & Manufacturing

Erich Beckmann has always been a designer, a maker, and a problem solver. From an early age it would not be surprising to find Beckmann and his brothers taking things apart in their garage and reconstructing them in different ways to create new contraptions, or building forts out in the woods behind their home in […]