Academic Excellence Award Student News

Academic Excellence Winner – Erich Beckmann, Robotics & Manufacturing

Erich Beckmann has always been a designer, a maker, and a problem solver. From an early age it would not be surprising to find Beckmann and his brothers taking things apart in their garage and reconstructing them in different ways to create new contraptions, or building forts out in the woods behind their home in […]

Dean's List

Dunwoody College of Technology Spring 2020 Semester Dean’s List

Congratulations to the 424 Dunwoody College students named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2020 semester!

News Releases

Dunwoody College puts safety first in preparing for fall start

Small labs, in-person support, cleaning & safety precautions all part of plan to reopen campus on Aug. 17 The faculty, staff, and students of Dunwoody College of Technology are responding to the COVID-19 global pandemic the only way they know how — by rolling up their sleeves, getting to work, and adapting to hands-on learning […]

Academic Excellence Award Student News

Academic Excellence Winner – Matthew Schafer, School of Engineering

“Helping others is something I think about, because you don’t know when you are going to need help.” Growing up, Matthew Schafer spent time at his dad’s automotive shop in Burnsville and became hooked on not just cars — but understanding how things worked and the engineering behind them. It’s an interest he carried with […]

Commencement Student News

Goal accomplished!

My name is Safa Mustafa and I am proud to call myself a Dunwoody alumna. I am a mother to two beautiful children under the age of 10. I am an international and a non-traditional student.  I share my story with the hope that it will resonate with others who are on a similar journey.  […]

Academic Excellence Award Student News

Student Leadership Award Winner – Daniel Hurd, School of Engineering

“I love engineering. So you learn to sacrifice because I truly wanted to learn it.” From his military service to his time as President of Dunwoody’s Student Government Association, Daniel Hurd has always been someone who is willing to step forward. It’s a quality that served him well during his years leading up to Dunwoody […]

Academic Excellence Award Student News

Academic Excellence Winner – David Bergen, Business

“I want to be the decision maker. This new skill set is about making myself more marketable.” After 16 years of working in the Information Technology field, David Bergen decided it was time to take the next step in his career. Bergen graduated from NEI’s IT program with an associate’s degree shortly before it merged […]

Academic Excellence Award Student News

Academic Excellence Winner – Michele Stenzel, Design & Graphics Technology

“It’s pretty simple. I just want to do something I love. And so far, I have surprised myself at what I can do.” Michele Stenzel looks at the world through a creative lens, often finding an outlet through crafting, painting, photography, or house projects. If she can put an artistic spin on it, she will. […]