Industry Partners

Auto program welcomes diesel truck donation

If you were to ask Steve Reinarts, Dean of Dunwoody’s Automotive programs, why he was especially happy last week, he would quickly tell you that the season of giving came early for his department.  Delivering that gift was Meg Miller, Matt Carlson and Tim Stoesz, representatives from Luther Automotive Group, in the form of a 2012 GMC Sierra […]

Student News

Student Spotlight: Benjamin Larsen, Mechanical Engineering

Senior Mechanical Engineering student Benjamin Larsen has many different skills and interests. That’s due, in part, to his childhood in Florida where he was always tinkering with things in his family’s garage or in the woods near his house. But it also reflects growing up in a family with parents and siblings who also have […]

Student News

Pursuing Passions

Pursuing Passions from Dunwoody College on Vimeo. Keep an eye out for our very own Logan Brandes during the Minnesota Vikings games. He’s a member of the Minnesota Vikings Skol Line and can be seen playing outside U.S. Bank Stadium pre-game as well as during the game. While drumming is a passion of his, so […]


From the industry to the classroom

Andrew Hoitink’s career as a Mechanical Engineer has included some fascinating projects – ranging from the virtual to the microscopic. As a lab assistant during College he helped build finite element software used for dynamic contact/impact simulations at the Army High Performance Computing Research Center. And as a Research and Development Engineer for Intel, he […]

Student News Videos

Secret agent style

Bachelor of Architecture student designs James Bond inspired home Who hasn’t dreamed of the secret agent life filled with gadgets, a jet-setting lifestyle and an Aston Martin in the garage. Part of that fantasy could be realized thanks to the vision and design skills of Dunwoody Architecture student Austin Rastall and his instructor Kerrik Wessel. […]

Community Outreach

Industrial Engineering Technology students give back to the community

On two recent weekend mornings, Industrial Engineering Technology students in the Ethics & Social Responsibility class loaned their skills to Hearts & Hammers -Twin Cities, an organization that provides home improvement assistance to senior citizens, veterans, and the disabled.  The experience shows the students the importance of “corporate social responsibility by volunteering in the community,” […]

Student News

Behind the scenes: Advanced Structural Design class builds a mini-golf hole

Members of the Advanced Structural Design class created a mini-golf hole to take to AIGA Minnesota Design Camp 2019 held last weekend in Brainerd. Pete Rivard, Assistant Professor, Graphic Design & Production, said the opportunity and invitation to participate in the event fit the overarching theme of corrugated display design in the Advanced Structural Design class. […]

Industry Partners

Jason Feist presents keynote on AI and IT 4.0 at ATEA Region 5 conference

The American Technical Education Association (ATEA) Region 5 conference wrapped up today with a keynote speech by Jason Feist, Managing Technologist in the Chief Technology Officer’s Office at Seagate, on “Artificial Intelligence: Relevant Analytics, Key Skill Sets, and Industry Trends.” Dunwoody College of Technology hosted the conference this year, which brings technical instructors together from […]