Community Outreach Events Summer Camps

Dunwoody to offer five summer camps in 2018

Searching for something to do this summer? Interested in exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) careers and Dunwoody programs? Look no further. Dunwoody is excited to offer five different summer camp opportunities in 2018: Youth Career Awareness Program (YCAP) College Prep Summer Camp: June 11-July 21, 2018 For students completing their junior or […]

News Releases

Dunwoody celebrates new creative campaign

Campus community celebrates the makers, fixers, doers, builders, and designers of the world. Dunwoody College of Technology kicked off its new creative campaign the week of March 19, which aims to celebrate the Dunwoody student—who they are and how they learn. The campaign, which will continue to be rolled out in the coming weeks, will […]

Student News

Dunwoody student credits YCAP for his bright future

Aneyso Tahir will graduate with an Automated Systems & Robotics degree in May and keep the job he landed earlier this year at Honeywell. Aneyso Tahir won’t receive his degree until May, but his Dunwoody education has already landed him a career in the tactical guidance arena. Tahir, who is finishing up his Associate of Applied Science […]

Student News

Architecture students head to Spain for unique Study Abroad opportunity

For the next ten weeks, a group of Dunwoody Architecture students will be experiencing architecture in a whole new environment. The students are part of the program’s first-ever study abroad program and are traveling to Barcelona, Spain to immerse themselves in design and urbanism. An immersive learning experience Led by Molly Reichert, Senior Instructor, the […]

Student Competitions Student News

Finding the right mix

Dunwoody students designing a better concrete bowling ball It might only be eight inches in diameter and weigh less than 12 pounds, but there is nothing simple about designing and constructing a concrete bowling ball. But two Dunwoody students are taking on the challenge and putting their creativity and ingenuity to the test at an […]

Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Sharon Jirak, Computer Networking Assistant Professor

Where did you grow up? I grew up in the small town of New Haven, Iowa. Where did you attend college? What is your degree in? I graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Industrial Technology. Later, I graduated from Dunwoody’s ELNS program. How long have you been working at Dunwoody?  15 […]

Alumni & Friends Events

Learning about Leadership in Today’s Technology Fields

March Leadership Lecture featured Chief Technology Officer from Design Ready Controls Multi-generational workforce development, embracing conflict and harnessing diverse perspectives to find creative solutions were just a few of the topics Mitch DeJong spoke about at Dunwoody’s March 1 C. Charles Jackson Leadership Lecture. The Chief Technology Officer at Design Ready Controls, DeJong shared leadership […]

Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Dawn Fish, Director of Development

Where did you grow up? Roseville. What is your educational background? I am a non-traditional college graduate. I graduated and passed my cosmetology school license exam while still in high school. Several years later, I was fortunate to work for a woman in the marketing function of AgriBank, who encouraged me to get my bachelor’s […]