Dunwoody College’s Esports teams are currently competing in the playoffs for the National Esports Collegiate Conference’s (NECC) Emergents and Navigators divisions, which are comprised mostly of teams from colleges in the Midwest.
The varsity and junior varsity teams for League of Legends, Rocket League, and Valorant are all competing.
The standout so far this season is the Varsity Valorant team, which went 8-1 in division play and entered the playoffs as the number two seed. They have already qualified for the division finals.
Going into another round of matches the evening of Wednesday, April 26, all the Hawks teams are still alive in tournament play except for the JV Rocket League team.
“Our first season has been successful on multiple fronts, accomplishing what we set out to do, which was get students involved and build a solid foundation for the esports program to grow,” said Erik Alexander, Esports Coordinator. “Several star players have emerged and several of the students have taken on leadership roles while also still performing well academically. It was very cool to see them step up like that and it allowed us to manage this many teams in our first season.”
Matches take place April 26 and 28 (and beyond, depending on how this next round of matches go).
For the playoff schedule visit the Dunwoody Hawks Instagram.