In February the Dunwoody College of Technology TTEN (Toyota Technical Education Network) program was recognized as No. 2 among 54 TTEN schools nationwide.
Such an accomplishment is worth celebrating, and Toyota made it easy by providing funds for 32 Dunwoody students, alumni and staff members to spend the afternoon of June 14 racing go-carts at Stockholm Motorsports Park in Cokato as well as lunching on catered food from Famous Dave’s for lunch.
In addition to the fun day, the Auto program was awarded a scan tool, which students use to analyze the interface of vehicles, said Auto instructor Lee Frisvold.
Frisvold said go-cart racing was the perfect way for the students and staff to celebrate.
“There was a lot of good, close racing,” Frisvold said.

Kyle Meyers, 2012 Honda PACT (Professional Automotive Career Training) graduate, out-raced his former classmates and instructors to earn the first place honor.
Frisvold said he hopes the day at Stockholm is one his students never forget.
“It was a really fun day. Those are the times people remember,” he said.
This isn’t the first year the Dunwoody program ranked high among the TTEN schools. In 2006 the program earned the School of the Year title and in 2010 the program earned the second place title and a scan tool.
If the TTEN students continue to excel as they have in the past, Frisvold says there is no reason Dunwoody won’t continue to rank as one of the top TTEN schools in the nation.
“Hopefully we will be the School of the Year again someday,” Frisvold said. “It’s always our (instructor’s) goal to do the best we can and make the students the best they can possibly be.”
The Dunwoody Toyota TTEN program prepares graduates to be technicians servicing Toyota/Lexus/Scion vehicles at authorized dealerships. Students train specifically on current model Toyota/Lexus vehicles, information systems, scan tools and training materials. Students also complete an internship under the guidance of a master technician at a sponsoring Toyota/Lexus dealership.
All TTEN instructors are certified as Master Technicians by the ASE (National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence). The National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), the branch of ASE which certifies and accredits automotive education programs has certified Dunwoody in all areas of service and repair. Dunwoody has received recognition from Toyota for being one of the best TTEN automotive schools in the nation and is a CEED School, the highest level for a TTEN school.
For more information about the TTEN program, go to www.T-TEN.com or email Frisvold at lfrisvold@dunwoody.edu