Academic Excellence Award Student News

Using his degree to design solutions

Academic Excellence Award: Kjell Hysjulien, Cloud Engineering Technology, A.A.S.

Anyone navigating the Dunwoody College campus for the first time understands that it can be a little challenging. The century-old building at 818 Dunwoody Boulevard is filled with hallways and stairways that don’t always lead where you think they should.

For Kjell Hysjulien, this challenge became something to try and solve through numbers, technology, and code.

As part of his senior capstone project, the Cloud Engineering Technology student started building a navigation phone app for Dunwoody to help new students and visitors navigate the school. Just like in the real world, the project presented a number of unforeseen challenges and won’t be solved before he graduates this May, but he’ll be taking with him the lessons he’s learned along the way.

“My capstone project has been the most difficult project so far,” Hysjulien said. “I’ve been given full control to create something from the ground up. I’ve enjoyed it the most because it has been the most challenging project yet. It is giving me the opportunity to learn a handful of new technologies.”

Hysjulien always knew he wanted to go into the computer field, but it wasn’t something he pursued directly out of high school.

“A computer networking degree at Dunwoody has always been the plan ever since I was in high school,” he said. “I waited until I was ready to buckle down and take it seriously so I would do well.”

That time came two years ago, when he enrolled in the Computer Networking Systems degree program.

“I’ve always been around and enjoyed working with computers growing up so I developed a knack for it,” Hysjulien said, adding that it was half-way through his first semester when he learned about the new Cloud Engineering Technology degree from Academic Director Julie McFadden. “I knew almost immediately I wanted to switch majors but took a few days to weigh my options before making it official.”

It was a decision he never regretted — in a major he excelled at. Hysjulien was named the Academic Excellence Award recipient for the Computer Technology department and will graduate magna cum laude this May.

“Undeterred by the initial apprehensions, Kjell immersed himself in the pursuit of mastery, dedicating himself to the arduous task of acquiring new skills and knowledge,” McFadden said. “His tenacity and tireless work ethic propelled him to unprecedented heights, as he quietly surpassed benchmarks and set new standards for academic excellence within the inaugural cloud engineering cohort.”

For Hysjulien, being able to directly apply what he was learning in the classroom to a real-world problem helped him develop his skills.

“I’ve really appreciated the hands-on learning approach at Dunwoody,” he said. “Being able to apply what we learn in real-world scenarios has not only solidified my understanding of complex concepts but also boosted my confidence in my skills.

“It’s a place where I’ve grown academically and personally, and where I’ve been equipped with the tools to succeed in my field. I’d like to express my gratitude to the faculty and my peers at Dunwoody for their support and inspiration.”

One of the reasons he was drawn to Dunwoody was the hands-on approach to learning.

“I’ve always learned best working with my hands,” Hysjulien said. “I enjoy taking things apart in order to learn how everything works together. [Dunwoody is] a great choice if you want a practical, hands-on education that prepares you for the industry.”

During his two years in the program, Hysjulien said he’s also learned the importance of teamwork, continuous learning, and adapting to new technologies. They were lessons his parents have also reinforced.  

“My parents are my biggest inspiration,” he said. “My Mom, Liz Hysjulien, showed me the value of hard work and perseverance. My Dad, Steve Hysjulien, has always been this industry and has been incredibly supportive throughout my education.”

And when he’s not developing a new app, Hysjulien stays busy exploring new technologies, working on personal programming projects, and staying active outdoors.

All of that hard work is starting to pay off, and Hysjulien wants to use his degree to work on innovative cloud computing solutions that can make a difference in the tech industry.

“I’m excited about the endless possibilities and the impact I can make,” he said.