Jake Blue and Brandon Davis are celebrating their recent scholarship awards from long-time Dunwoody College industry partner Van Sickle, Allen & Associates (VAA).
The scholarships—put towards the student’s 2016 spring semester’s tuition—are valued at $2,000 a piece.
The application process
For the past several years, VAA, an engineering, planning and design company, has allocated money specifically for two Dunwoody student scholarships. The scholarships—offered to students in the Architectural Drafting & Design, Surveying & Civil Engineering Technology, Heating & Air Conditioning Engineering Technology and Electrical Construction Design & Management programs—are competitive and require interested students to draft a personal essay, submit a letter of recommendation, and complete an in-person interview with a panel of Dunwoody and VAA employees.
Applicants are then evaluated on academic achievement, school and community activities and work experience. The recipients must have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.2 or higher.
The scholarship recipients
This year’s recipients include Jake and Brandon, both second year Surveying & Civil Engineering students, who say they couldn’t be happier with the results.

“Winning this scholarship is a wonderful reward for the hard work I have put into my schooling, “ Jake said. “It gives me confidence in the skills I have gained at Dunwoody.”
Jake—who’s pursuing his second professional degree at the College– has a 4.0 GPA and is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Dunwoody’s Survey Club. Currently, he is a self-employed production arborist.
“As a self-employed student,” he said, “this scholarship is extremely helpful. It will allow me to work less and focus more on my school work.”
Jake plans to seek employment in the Civil Engineering field upon graduation.

Brandon, who’s currently a student worker at the Minnesota Department of Transportation, says this scholarship will also help him “make ends meet.”
“It’s a great feeling to know that there are people or organizations out there that are willing to sacrifice some of their financial security to help individuals who have found themselves in financial need,” he said.
Brandon is the fundraising officer for Engineers Without Borders and president of both the Dunwoody Surveying Club and the Multicultural Club.
Upon graduation, Brandon hopes to become a professional surveyor.
Learn more
Since receiving their scholarships, Jake and Brandon have also received personal introductions to VAA employees, a full facility tour and a celebratory lunch.
A big thank you to the VAA for their generosity and congratulations to Jake and Brandon!